Medical and Occupational Health Professionals

PlasmaShield® technology addresses significant health and economic challenges associated with mitigating the risk of Healthcare Acquired Infections (HAI’s).

The Australian Government, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) recognises airborne aerosols as one of the main routes of HAI’s transmission, many of which could be prevented through the adaptation of adequate air treatment systems and appropriate infection control practices.

PlasmaShield® is a certified medical device with distinct ability to electrolyse aerosolised respiratory droplets. The aerosolised droplets may contain harmful viruses and contaminants shielded within aerosols generated from human interaction such as talking, coughs and sneezes. Currently marketed air cleaning technologies attempt to mitigate the droplets via mechanical filtration, which is not ideal, as it does not destroy viruses and comes at high cost through larger HVAC plant and multi-modal infrastructure.

Data generated from our several controlled studies, indicate that Integration of PlasmaShield® into healthcare and high risk areas achieves the following benefits: